Brian did not come to lobster-fishing through the typical fashion – passed down through his family. Brian became a fishermen deliberately and because of a strong draw to the sea. “I grew up in Maine, and then left to go surfing in Hawaii, and when I came back a few years later, I connected with Tom (Martin) who was lobstering and we’ve been working together ever since. I knew I wanted to be working on the water.”
In the summer, Brian works with Tom running the Saint Croix which offers tours in Portland
to those eager to learn about lobstering out to experience hauling traps, baiting bags and banding lobsters. In the fall, winter and spring, Brian and Tom fish commercially for lobsters. “It’s great, Brian reflects, we never get tired of either.”
Brian attended the University of Maine at Orano where he studied mechanical engineering. Tired of school, he and a friend went to Hawaii to go surfing. When he returned several years later, he knew he wanted to work on the ocean. “Tom asked me if I got seasick, I told him no, and that was that.”
Brian’s favorite wat to eat lobster? “Steam it and eat it – nothing fancy.” On occasion with leftover lobster meat he enjoys a lobster omelet.
Scariest moment on the water? “Setting a string of gear and the line got around my leg, Tom was able to get the boat in neutral and then reverse and thankfully we don’t have an open stern boat. After that I got a very sharp knife which never comes off my Grundens. Fortunately I haven’t had to use it.”
When he’s not lobster fishing, Brian can be found hanging with his German Shepard Mel, surfing, hiking or white water rafting.
What Brian loves about fishing? “You get to make your own way in lobstering; and getting to be on the water every day and see the sunrise and the sunsets, that’s just really lucky.”
Meet The People Behind the Fishery
A diverse group of people passionate about Maine and the lobster industry.